The Westerbork Memorial Centre museum charts the lives of camp victims and survivors of World War II. Personal stories bring Westerbork to life for children too.

An impressive place to visit

At Westerbork Memorial Centre the lives of one hundred thousand Dutch Jews, Sinti and Roma are remembered. During the Second World War, Camp Westerbork was known as ‘the gateway to Hell’. It was a transit camp to concentration camps like Auschwitz and Sobibor. However, the camp, built in 1939, was first used as a refugee camp for Jews fleeing from Germany and Austria.

More information
Man en vrouw zitten gehurkt bij de 102.000 stenen in voormalig Kamp Westerbork.

Personal stories

Westerbork Memorial Centre details life in the camp. Original film footage from 1944, partially equipped barracks, a final farewell from the train, a large model of the camp and many other presentations give the viewer a sense of this haunting past. Personal stories in the films and main exhibition make this era accessible to children too, as do the various alternating exhibitions in the Memorial Centre.

Plan your visit
Een stel staat voor het Nationaal Monument Kamp Westerbork. De verlichte kampcommandantswoning in de avond. Een muur met foto's en krantenartikelen uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Museum Kamp Westerbork