It’s no surprise that many famous painters, such as Van Gogh, have been inspired by Drenthe.

The area’s cultural heritage can be found throughout the natural environment – culture and nature, the best of both worlds, all in one go!


Drenthe contains a very special piece of prehistoric culture, namely the hunebeds. There are no fewer than 52! Hunebeds are tombstones, built 5000 years ago using boulders weighing anywhere from 2000 to 20,000 kilograms apiece. The hunebeds come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and can be viewed for free.

Tip: Visit the Hunebed Centre in Borger to travel back to prehistoric times and visit Drenthe’s the largest hunebed.

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Een hunebed omringd door paarse heide.

Van Gogh in Drenthe

Few people know that Vincent van Gogh also stayed in Drenthe. For a period of three months, in the southeastern part of the province. Five paintings, around fifteen drawings and a series of beautiful letters to his brother Theo were preserved from that period. We take you to the places that inspired him.

Tip: Visit the exposition Travelling with Vincent - Van Gogh in Drenthe in the Drents Museum. A must-see for all his admirers.

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Een tafel met kwasten, doeken, een petroleumlamp en een boek over Van Gogh in de kamer waar hij gewoond en gewerkt heeft in Drenthe, Het schilderij 'De turfschuit' van Vincent van Gogh, olieverf op doek, olieverf op doek. Een man en een vrouw lopen over het pad naar de ingang van het kerkje van Zweeloo.

Colonies of Benevolence

The Drenthe colonies of Veenhuizen, Frederiksoord and Wilhelminaoord make up a unique area of the Netherlands. When you visit the colonies you’ll find yourself in the midst of a remarkable historic tale. The colonies were founded in the nineteenth century to fight poverty in Dutch cities. Poor families could apply to be relocated to the colonies, and in exchange for their willingness to move, they would be given a house and a tract of land to farm.

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Borden met foto's op het terrein van het Gevangenismuseum Veenhuizen.

Westerbork Memorial Centre

At Westerbork Memorial Centre, you’ll get a sense of what happened in the Netherlands during the Second World War. Camp Westerbork was one of the sites from which Dutch Jews were deported. History is palpable at this site, thanks to the personal stories in the exhibitions and the available footage.

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Man en vrouw zitten gehurkt bij de 102.000 stenen in voormalig Kamp Westerbork. Een stel staat voor de commandant woning in kamp Westerbork. Het monument in Kamp Westerbork met een wachttoren op de achtergrond.

UNESCO Geopark de Hondsrug

De Hondsrug is the only UNESCO Geopark in the Netherlands. Here, you will literally be walking in the cart tracks of the past that wind through the beautiful landscape. You'll explore higher ground, the Drents Plateau, and look out over beautiful stream valleys. Geopark de Hondsrug has been granted UNESCO status, a wonderful reward for this beautiful area.

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Een luchtfoto van water en bomen.