Concealed by two old little farms two dolmens are situated in Midlaren. Dolmen D3 (Drenthe 3) and D4 (Drenthe 4) are very big and make a disorderly impression. Together they are called ‚Huneborg’. The whole makes a disorderly impression, because a lot of coping stones are in the cellar of the dolmen. This gives the dolmen an authentic character. The dolmen show nicely how dolmen were kept during the last centuries, because only little renovation has taken place. At Schutsweg 42 in Midlaren an old road sign is to be found, which gives the location of the dolmen. A sand path that leads to two little run-down farms will bring you there. Just next to the wall of a farm lie the two dolmen, covered by the branches of surrounding old oak trees.