On his way back, Vincent probably stopped at this old inn on Brink number 9 for a cup of coffee and a slice of ‘boerenmik’. Boerenmik is a bread that's just slightly darker than white bread. The old inn is now a group accommodation. Vincent van Gogh sketched a spinning wheel there.
"That day passed like a dream, I had been so immersed in that heart-rending music all day that I had literally forgotten even to eat and drink — I took a slice of coarse peasant bread and a cup of coffee at the little inn where I drew the spinning wheel. The day was over, and from dawn to dusk, or rather from one night to the other night, I
had forgotten myself in that symphony."
Unfortunately, t…
On his way back, Vincent probably stopped at this old inn on Brink number 9 for a cup of coffee and a slice of ‘boerenmik’. Boerenmik is a bread that's just slightly darker than white bread. The old inn is now a group accommodation. Vincent van Gogh sketched a spinning wheel there.
"That day passed like a dream, I had been so immersed in that heart-rending music all day that I had literally forgotten even to eat and drink — I took a slice of coarse peasant bread and a cup of coffee at the little inn where I drew the spinning wheel. The day was over, and from dawn to dusk, or rather from one night to the other night, I
had forgotten myself in that symphony."
Unfortunately, this sketch of the spinning wheel that Vincent wrote about was not preserved. He was undoubtedly inspired by the drawing by his friend Anthon Van Rappard, who had also been to Drenthe.