Beautifully located along farmland at the edge of Aalden lies grain mill Jantina Helling. The mill sells flour. A unique field has been created by the mill: Jantina’s Korenhofje—which translates as Jantina’s grain garden. Different types of grain are grown in the field. Would you like to see the difference between oats, wheat, barley, buckwheat and rye? Visit the mill in Aalden in summer.
There has been a mill at the current location since 1652. In 1835 a completely new and much larger mill was built. The mill has been named after its previous owner: Jantina Helling. She rented the mill out for a long time, but after her passing away in 1949, her family sold the mill for a symbolic sum. They did on condition that the mill would be given the name of its last owner.
Eight-sided smock mill (belt mill)