This house is permanently accessible to the public and is a place where Vincent used to live and work, when it was still called Logement Scholte.
Vincent arrived here on 2 October 1883 and left again on 4 December. He had travelled here from Hoogeveen, making the six-hour journey by barge. Van Gogh lodged in the ferry house and local vessels would moor on its very doorstep, so it is virtually certain that Vincent came ashore here.
Vincent’s lodgings were owned by Hendrik Scholte, and after his ar…
This house is permanently accessible to the public and is a place where Vincent used to live and work, when it was still called Logement Scholte.
Vincent arrived here on 2 October 1883 and left again on 4 December. He had travelled here from Hoogeveen, making the six-hour journey by barge. Van Gogh lodged in the ferry house and local vessels would moor on its very doorstep, so it is virtually certain that Vincent came ashore here.
Vincent’s lodgings were owned by Hendrik Scholte, and after his arrival, Vincent wrote to his brother to tell him about his new room and its good light. It was a room on the upper floor with its own balcony, which was a rather luxurious feature in this area, where the gap between the rich and poor was very large. Vincent planned to stay here for an extended period of time, especially if he could easily visit the ‘area with the big old sod shacks’.
It was here that Vincent regularly wrote letters to his brother. He sympathised with him, giving advice on how to deal with stressful situations at work. Van Gogh's letters are certainly no less beautiful than his paintings. Throughout his stay at the Scholte lodge, Vincent tried to persuade his brother to come to Drenthe. According to Vincent, this would be the perfect remedy for his problems and stress, before adding that he would enjoy the company himself:
’It would certainly be a pity, although I would take it rather calmly. Still, I cannot help but imagine a future in which were are both painters,working together as comrades here in these peatlands... so I would only say that it would not in the least surprise me if, a while from now, we were to find each other here.'